With backpack on, he holds my hand calmly and only has to be lifted off the floor twice once inside. After he realizes we are going to his new classroom there are no problems and two doors away his energy propels him down the hall and into his room. A little girl puts a arm out to hug him as he flies by and I hold my breath to see how badly this poor child will be flattened. Surprisingly she is stock still, arm still in the air wondering what happened, and my child is the one laying on the floor. He jumps right back up and continues his running through the room.

The proper picture of smiling child in uniform with backpack on and holding lunch box in hand, looking at the camera eludes us. Such is my condition of being a deer in headlights and his condition of being 1000 volts of electricity.

The resource teacher said there were a couple of issues today when I asked how things went, but didn't elaborate. They had obviously went outside today as he and the afore mentioned little girl both came out looking like they had rolled around in dirt. Which is probably what they did.
I missed him while he was in school and even found myself going to the passenger side of the car to bring him in the house after I had just dropped him off. I did however enjoy my couple of hours of solitude. I relaxed in a hot tub of bath salts, with the phones by the bathroom sink of course.

Sounds like your baby did really well!!!
He is absolutely adorable and his name really fits him!
Glad you got some time to yourself.
What an absolutely delightful picture. He looks so happy. He's gonna be just fine.
Crystal xx
What a big day for you both! And it sounds like you were both pretty successful. ;-)
Hope the two of you fall into the new routine smoothly.
Yeah - that first day can be a rough one! We had Maya's first day of preschool on Sept. 4th - her Mom, my son and I all were out front to wait for the van to come pick her up and to help get her settled in there. We all got hugs and kisses too before they pulled away and then, the three of us came back in the house to have a nice quiet little cry over coffee!
Hes so cute!
And hopefully will become routine to both of you soon.
What a big day. Sounds great. I will get round to the MEME, are there any guidelines? x
Suzy - He did do well! I am so glad!
Crystal - Thank you, he was very happy with himself, do you see how pink he was when we got back?
Jade - It was a big day and he is already getting used to the idea of school I think.
Jeni - How wonderful you got kisses! I didn't get them yesterday, but I did today!
Casdok - Thank you, I have already come to accept I have to find something to do with myself for 3hrs 4 times a week. ;)
SE Mum - I don't know if there are any guidelines or not. I looked at Suzy's as a cheat sheet and I think she went from the one who tagged her. It's just to tell us more about you and how you write.
Awesome! Glad things went well. First day of school is always the scariest for mom!
(He is soooo adorable!)
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