For the huge achievement of being fully potty trained (which I never thought would happen) Connor received his very own Sponge Bob Squarepants fishing pole. So after seeing him cast and reel his line over and over Daddy took Connor to his grandpa's to fish.

And not only did he catch his first fish, but went on to catch eight more! Everyone else was lucky to catch one or get a nibble.

A true test of his sensory for sure as he put worms on his hook (with help of course) and held the fish to throw them back in the pond. A great day for Dad who always dreamed of taking his boy fishing and didn't know if it would ever be possible.
P.S. Happy 15th to my baby girl Gracie! You are loved so much by so many!
Potty trained?!!! That's fantastic! Wish it would happen here but although it's close, still no cigar, ya know. Maya -who will be 6 in October -does start regular kindergarten in our school district next week -on the 2nd! She will have a TSS with her at school and will NOT ride the big bus but will still continue to ride the van to/from school. Her Mother and I both felt she was not near mature enough to ride the big bus -mainly because of the big kids that also would be on said vehicle. Kurtis -age 3 -started summer school at the preschool program Maya was in for the past 2 years and over the past six weeks, we've seen a lot of changes and progress take place -already -in him too! Yay, Yay -for Conner for such a great big achievement -(and the fish, too) and for both Maya and Kurtis. These kids have really come a long way, haven't they?
Excellent Commor! I love it when dreams come true!
Happy birthday Gracie.
They have indeed come a long way! Connor is in his second week of Kindergarten...heck of a transition time going on but it's getting better.
Good grief! He's doing a lot better than I would, wiggly worms indeed!
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